Bylaws of the Faculty
Below are the Bylaws of the Faculty (revised February 17, 2011) or download a pdf of the Bylaws.
- College Faculty
- Dean of the College
- Departments
- College Senate
- Senate Steering Committee
- Committee on Academic Planning and Program Evaluation (CAPPE)
- Committee on the Promotion and Tenure (P&T Committee)
- Election of LSU Faculty Senators from the College
- Rules and Bylaws
Article I. College Faculty
A. Membership
- The Faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences shall consist of all members of the academic staff having the rank of Instructor or higher (or equivalent rank) who are appointed full-time and who perform all or a part of their current work in the College.
- As a class, part-time members of the academic staff may be enfranchised to the degree deemed appropriate by the Faculty of the College.
B. General Powers
- In accordance with PS-50, the Faculty of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences exercises jurisdiction over all matters relating to the educational affairs of the College, subject to the regulations of the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University. Such matters include the establishment of curricula and courses, academic policies of admissions to the College, and requirements for degrees.
- The College Faculty shall a) adopt regulations governing its own procedures; b) determine the duties which it will delegate to the College Senate; c) review the actions of the College Senate; d) participate in the selection, evaluation, and recommendation for retention of the dean of the College; e) participate in the evaluation and recommendation for retention of other administrators of the College; f) make recommendations for conducting formal exercises and public functions held under the auspices of the College; and g) recommend academic policies relating to the administration of University services (e.g. University library, computer center, etc.) as they pertain to the College.
- The College Faculty has the responsibility to a) consider and make recommendations concerning matters of general interest to the College; and b) consider and make recommendations to the dean concerning policies governing appointments, promotions, tenure, dismissals, and salaries.
C. College Faculty Meetings
- The College Faculty shall meet at times fixed by the Senate Steering Committee in consultation with the dean, at least once per semester during the academic year. Special meetings of the Faculty may be called by the dean, by the Senate, or by petition of thirty-five full-time members of the College Faculty presented to the president of the College Senate.
- The dean of the College (or the dean's designate) shall chair the College Faculty meetings. A representative of the dean's office shall take and distribute minutes of the meetings at the discretion of the dean and/or the Senate president.
- One-tenth of the full-time membership of the College Faculty or the minimum specified by the Board of Supervisors, whichever is greater, shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, a vote may be taken by mail or email. Any action of the College Faculty, except as specified in these Bylaws, shall require a majority vote of those casting votes.
- The Faculty shall abide by its own rules of procedure, but in cases where it has adopted no explicit rules or where applicability or interpretation of rule is in doubt, Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern.
- The agenda for the faculty meeting shall be established by the dean after consultation with the Senate Steering Committee and shall be circulated at least a week before the meeting. Any member of the College Faculty may move that the Faculty consider a question not listed on the agenda. If the motion is seconded, it shall be included on the agenda of the next regular or special meeting of the College Faculty.
- The agenda for the spring meeting of the College Faculty shall normally include a report from the president of the College Senate on the actions taken by the Senate during that academic year.
D. College Educational Policies
- Changes to the College-wide degree requirements (e.g., the College language requirement) and other educational policies that affect the educational affairs of the College as a whole require the approval of the College Faculty. Proposals to add, change, or discontinue such requirements or policies may be submitted to the College Senate by the dean, a committee of the College or the Senate, a department, or an individual faculty member. If the College Senate approves the proposal, it will bring it before the College Faculty for a vote. It may be adopted by a majority vote of the College Faculty members voting.
Article II. Dean of the College
The dean of the College, as the chief representative and executive officer of the College, shall have general administrative authority over College affairs. The dean shall exercise leadership in the formulation of policies, in the introduction of educational ideas and proposals, and in the stimulation of College discussions leading to improvement of the educational programs of the College. The dean's responsibilities shall include both strengthening the College and its programs, and interpreting those programs to the University and to the community.
Article III. Departments
A. Membership
- The departmental faculty shall consist of all members of the academic staff of a department having the rank of Instructor or higher (or equivalent rank) who are appointed full-time for at least a one-year period and all or a part of whose work for the current year is in that particular department.
- As a class, part-time members of the academic staff having the rank of Instructor or higher (or equivalent rank) may be enfranchised to the degree deemed appropriate by the faculty of the department.
B. General Powers
The departmental faculty shall have jurisdiction over matters concerning its educational policies insofar as these do not conflict with the policies of other departments, the rules and regulations of the College, the University, or the LSU System.
C. Department Meetings
- Departments shall meet at least once a semester. The chair of the department shall distribute the agenda in advance of the meetings. Minutes of departmental meetings shall be taken, circulated to all departmental faculty, and maintained in a file.
D. Department Chair
- The chair is a member and representative of the departmental faculty to the administration.
- Chairs normally shall be appointed for renewable terms of three years each. The dean will consult with the entire faculty of the department before making the appointment or reappointment. Automatic renewals of term should not be assumed.
Article IV. College Senate
A. General Powers
- The Senate has the responsibility to initiate discussion regarding any matter of general interest to the College and to make recommendations regarding such matters to the dean and to the College Faculty. Further, the Senate may exercise any power of the College Faculty, subject to review by the Faculty, as provided in Article I.B.
B. Membership
- The College Senate shall include faculty members from the several departments elected by the departmental faculty members according to the following formula for representation: a) each department shall have one senator for every twenty full-time members in that department; b) any fraction over 50 percent of twenty, i.e., eleven or more, shall add one more senator to the total; c) every department shall have at least one senator.
- There shall also be six senators elected at large by the faculty of the College, two each year. The Senate Steering Committee will oversee the election. No more than two at-large senators may be elected from all departments with four or more departmentally elected senators.
- There shall also be one senator representing the College's interdisciplinary programs, elected by the members of the programs. The director of interdisciplinary studies will oversee the election and report the results to the Senate Steering Committee.
- Members of the College Faculty who hold administrative appointments beginning with the level of department chair shall not be eligible for election to the Senate. The term of a senator who is appointed to an office of chair or acting chair shall expire upon his or her appointment. This rule applies also to the director of interdisciplinary studies but not to directors of individual programs.
- Each senator must hold a full-time appointment. A senator who represents a department must have more than 50 percent of the appointment in the department that he or she represents.
- Senators shall have been members of the College Faculty for at least one year. An exception will be made for a department if none of the members of that department eligible for the Senate meet this qualification.
C. Selection
- The term of a senator shall be three years, one-third of the senators to be elected to office each year. Senators may be re-elected to a second three-year term, after which they must sit out for a year before being eligible again.
- In the spring semester of each academic year, the Senate Steering Committee will notify departments that need to elect senators, and these departments will report to the Steering Committee the names of those elected. The Steering Committee will also oversee elections of at-large senators. All full-time departmental members of the College Faculty, as defined in Article I.A of these Bylaws, are eligible to vote. Such elections will be held no later than April 15 in the final semester of the incumbent senator's term. The term of office begins with the first regular meeting of the College Senate for the academic year.
- Should a temporary or permanent vacancy occur, as soon as practical and not later than thirty days after the vacancy becomes known, the department shall appoint a temporary substitute or elect a new representative. In the event that the department fails to elect a new representative within thirty days (or any of its senators by the time of the first regular meeting), the Steering Committee will appoint the next highest vote-getter from the at-large election to serve the remainder of the year.
- Any senator absent without proxy from a meeting for a third time during a given academic
year shall forfeit membership and be replaced for the remainder of the year. The College
Senate president will request that departments replace departmental senators. At-large
senators will be replaced by the next highest vote-getter in the at large election.
Results of the at-large elections will be kept on file in the dean's office. In both
cases, the replacement is for the remainder of the term.
D. Meetings
- The College Senate shall meet three times per semester during the academic year. If necessary, the Steering Committee may schedule additional meetings.
- A quorum in the College Senate shall consist of those senators present. Any Senate action shall require a majority vote of senators present.
- The Senate shall establish and may amend its rules of procedure by a majority vote, provided that a change in rules of procedure is advertised at least one month prior to its consideration. In matters not regulated by these Bylaws or by the Senate's rules of procedure, Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority.
- Any member of the College Faculty may attend meetings of the College Senate and bring business before the Senate through the Steering Committee.
E. Officers
- The officers of the Senate shall consist of a president, a first vice-president, a second vice-president, and a secretary.
- Nominations for these offices shall be made by the members of the Senate. The election of officers shall occur at the last regular meeting of the academic year, or in the event of a vacancy, at a special election.
- The officers will serve for one year, beginning with the first meeting of the academic year.
- The president shall preside over the College Senate, the Senate Steering Committee, and the Academic Oversight Committee. The president shall also represent the Senate at meetings of department chairs with the dean.
- The first vice-president shall preside over the Faculty Welfare and Policy Committee. The second vice-president shall preside over the Scholarship and Teaching Committee.
F. Senate Standing Committee
- There are three Senate standing committees: the Academic Oversight Committee, the Faculty Welfare and Policy Committee, and the Scholarship and Teaching Committee. Each senator shall sign up for at least one of these committees at the first meeting of the academic year.
- Any member of the College may also bring business directly before these committees and attend their meetings.
- The Academic Oversight Committee, chaired by the Senate president, will review CAPPE's annual report; see Article VI. The Senate president, in consultation with the dean and the Steering Committee, will determine this committee's additional charge for each academic year.
- The Faculty Welfare and Policy Committee, chaired by the first vice-president, is charged with reviewing any policy or matter that affects faculty morale, such as compensation or teaching conditions.
- The Scholarship and Teaching Committee, chaired by the second vice-president, is charged with considering issues relating to scholarship and teaching in the College. This committee will also choose the nominee or nominees for the University-wide doctoral dissertation award.
Article V. Senate Steering Committee
A. Membership
- The Senate Steering Committee shall consist of the four elected officers of the Senate, the immediate past president of the Senate, and the chair(s) of any ad-hoc committees. The president of the Senate shall conduct the meetings of the Senate Steering Committee.
- If the past president's term has expired, it shall be extended for one year.
B. Functions
- The Steering Committee shall have the following responsibilities and authority: 1) to receive communications concerning matters to be put on an agenda of the Senate; 2) to establish the agenda for Senate meetings, including any matter that a senator or other member of the College Faculty petitions the Senate to consider; 3) to announce the time and place of meetings to senators; 4) to call special meetings of the Senate; 5) to refer appropriate matters to a standing committee of the Senate; 6) to maintain communication between the Senate and the dean of the College; 7) to consult with the dean in setting times and agendas for College Faculty meetings; 8) to oversee selection of new members of the College Senate, Senate standing committees, CAPPE, the P&T Committee, and representatives of the College on the LSU Faculty Senate; 9) to provide each newly elected member of CAPPE and the P&T Committee with those articles of these Bylaws relating to that committee; 10) to maintain the College Senate website, including updating the membership lists of CAPPE, the P&T Committee, and Senate standing committees; 11) to discharge any other responsibility or authority assigned to the Steering Committee by the Senate.
Article VI. Committee on Academic Planning and Program Evaluation (CAPPE)
A. Membership
- The Committee on Academic Planning and Program Evaluation (CAPPE) shall be a standing committee of the College.
- The membership of CAPPE shall consist of one faculty member from each degree-awarding department of the College, one representative for the interdisciplinary programs of the College, and at least one representative from the dean's office in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity.
- The normal term of office on CAPPE is three years, with staggered terms. All College Faculty members are eligible for membership on CAPPE.
B. Selection
- New departmental representatives will be chosen during the spring semester preceding the first academic year of their terms. The Senate Steering Committee will identify those representatives whose terms have expired and notify their respective departments. Each of these departments will select a representative and report his or her name to the Senate Steering Committee, which will report these names to the chair of CAPPE and to the dean's office.
- The procedure for selecting the representative for interdisciplinary programs shall be the same as that for departmental representatives, except that the director of interdisciplinary studies will conduct the selection and report to the Steering Committee.
- A committee member who is on sabbatical or other leave shall be replaced by a person who will serve during the regular member's absence.
C. Functions
- The members of CAPPE shall elect their own chair and report their choice to the president of the College Senate.
- CAPPE shall have the following responsibilities: a) to receive, consider, and make recommendations on proposals submitted by a department or program to add, change, or eliminate courses, curricula, or degree requirements of the department or program; b) to receive and consider all proposals to establish, combine, abolish, or split departments; c) to consult with any department potentially involved before recommending any change under either of the above; d) to examine periodically the College's offerings as a whole; e) to encourage innovation and excellence in instruction; and f) to consider guidelines for the admission of students to the College.
- When a change in course or curriculum is disapproved by this committee, the department initiating the request may appeal the decision to the College Senate.
- CAPPE shall be free to take up matters within its jurisdiction on its own initiative.
Once CAPPE has completed its work for the academic year, the chair of the committee shall submit a written report to the president of the College Senate, summarizing the actions taken by the committee during that year. The president, along with the Academic Oversight Committee, will review this report.
Article VII. Committee on Promotion and Tenure (P&T Committee)
A. Membership
- The Committee on Promotion and Tenure (P&T Committee) shall consist of six full professors who are full members of the graduate faculty from the degree-awarding departments of the College.
- Three committee members shall be from the departments of Communication Studies, English, Foreign Languages and Literatures, French Studies, History, and Philosophy and Religious Studies. Three other committee members shall be from the departments of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Geography and Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology, and Psychology.
- Eligibility requirements include service as a tenured faculty member at LSU for at least three years and academic rank of professor. It is expected that the eligible faculty will be currently active in teaching, service, and research.
- Terms are for three years, with two members rotating off each year. A member of this committee is eligible for a second term on the approval of the Senate.
B. Selection
- In accordance with PS-36, the dean shall appoint the P&T Committee. The College Senate shall participate in the selection of its members.
- During the spring term of each academic year, the Senate Steering Committee will create a list of eligible faculty for each of the openings (generally two) on the P&T Committee.
- The Steering Committee will contact the College Senate and the dean to solicit nominations from these lists. The nominator must have verified the nominee's willingness to serve prior to making the nomination.
- Should there be more than two nominees per opening, the College Senate will discuss
the nominees and vote to narrow the list of nominees to two candidates per opening.
The Steering Committee will arrange interviews of the candidates, to which all senators will be invited. The Steering Committee will make recommendations to the College Senate. - At a meeting of the College Senate, senators will discuss the candidates and vote to determine their first and second choices for each of the open positions. The president will send the Senate's recommendations to the dean.
- The dean may accept the College Senate's first or second choice recommendation for each position, but may not veto both recommendations for either position. The dean shall report his choices to the president of the College Senate.
C. Functions
- The P&T Committee shall advise the dean by evaluating recommendations for retention, promotion, and tenure. The committee's advice is not subject to reversal by the College Senate.
- In evaluating recommendations for retention, promotion, and tenure, the P&T Committee shall ensure that the candidate receives fair and reasonable treatment in accordance with PS-36 and the College's published promotion and tenure policy and in accordance with standards generally accepted within the candidate's discipline.
Article VIII. Election of LSU Faculty Senators from the College
- Each spring, the LSU Faculty Senate informs the College Senate of the number of LSU Faculty senators that the College needs to select. The College Senate Steering Committee will oversee this election.
- LSU Faculty Senate seats that are allocated to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences shall be apportioned by department. Each department in Humanities and Social Sciences shall be assigned one LSU Faculty Senate seat, if a sufficient number of such seats are available. If not, the College Senate shall decide the allocation of seats.
- After each department is assigned one LSU Faculty Senate seat, any remaining unallocated seats shall be assigned as follows: the first such seat shall be chosen from the body of the College Senate, by election of that body; any remaining seats shall be assigned to individual departments of Humanities and Social Sciences in descending order of size until all the seats are allocated.
- The Steering Committee will determine which departments need to elect LSU Faculty senators and tell the chairs of those departments how many such senators they need to elect. The departments will report to the Steering Committee the names of those elected, and the Steering Committee will report these names to the LSU Faculty Senate.
Article IX. Rules and Bylaws
A. Adoption
- The Bylaws of the College Faculty shall be adopted by mail ballot by a majority vote of the College Faculty who vote. The proposed Bylaws must be circulated to the members two weeks prior to the deadline for the return of the ballots. When adopted by majority vote, the Bylaws shall go into effect immediately.
B. Amendment
- Amendments to the College Faculty Bylaws may be moved by any member of the Faculty; such motions require a second. A proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the presiding officer, who shall provide members with copies by including it verbatim on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting or special meeting of the College Faculty.
- Amendments to the College Faculty Bylaws may be adopted by two-thirds majority of the College Faculty members voting.