Current Rates

Facilities and Administrative Rates

Item Federal Rate
Research        50%
Instruction        49%
Public Service        35%
Off-Campus Projects        26%
State        26%

LSU Rate Memo (06/29/2022)

LSU Rate Agreement (04/18/2024)

Fringe Benefit Rates

  • 41%  Regular salaried employees
  • 14%  2-year post-doctoral researchers
  • 7.65%  Contingent labor/transient employees

FY 2024 Fringe Benefit Rate Letter

FY 2025 Fringe Benefit Rate Letter

Graduate Assistant Tuition Remission Rate

  • 38% GA Tuition Remission Rate

Graduate Assistant (GA) Health Insurance

Type Cost
12-month GA $2,162
9-month GA $1,730
Summer only GA $432

These amounts represent 75% of the health insurance premium

FY 2023 GA Health Insurance Cost