
The Staff Senate welcomes non-senator participation on committees.  

The Communication and Marketing Committee will communicate the activities and contributions of the Staff Senate to all staff and works to improve communication efforts across campus; and determines the content and means of communication. Also, monitors the progress of the strategic plan. 

2024-2025 Committee Membership

  • Ginger Guttner (Chair)
  • Debbie Blanchard
  • Michael Bonnette
  • Whitney Butler
  • Joshua Duplechain
  • Deanna Gresham
  • Jerri Jensen
  • Igor Matkovic
  • Anissa Mimms

The Education and Professional Development Committee provides oversight to the Staff Senate Scholarships; and develop long-term fund raising efforts to support scholarships for staff pursuing professional development and/or a degree at LSU.

2024-2025 Committee Membership

The Long Range Review and Planning Committee shall maintain an ongoing study of University matters relating to staff to anticipate future needs and priorities. Advises the Staff Senate on matters worthy of consideration identified by this and other Staff Senate committees; and reviews the work of other committees and assists, when needed, in fulfilling their respective charges.

2024-2025 Committee Membership

The Staff Appreciation and Events Committee will plan, make arrangements, and seek new contributions for Staff Senate sponsored events on campus. 

2024-2025 Committee Membership

  • Kevin Breaux (Co-Chair)
  • Deanne Gresham (Co-Chair)
  • Anissa Mimms (Co-Chair)
  • Debbie Blanchard
  • Amber Bonner
  • Michael Bonnette
  • Whitney Butler
  • Ryan Campen
  • Mo Carney
  • Carli Faulkner
  • Jennifer Kennison
  • Willie Louviere
  • Igor Matkovic
  • Neely Martin-Whitaker
  • Cassaundra Miller
  • Tammy Millican
  • Anissa Mimms
  • Jace Owens
  • Winkeyssa Robertson
  • Katilyn Simpson
  • Celeste Smith
  • Henri Smith
  • Bradley Waters
  • Dayton White
  • Paige Whittington
  • Amberlon Williams
  • Skylar Yarbro

The Staff Benefits and Policy Committee will maintain an on-going study to determine the needs of the classified and professional/unclassified staff at the University;  reviews and makes recommendations regarding policies and practices pertaining to conditions of employment such as staff reallocations, employee grievances, leave, compensation, insurance, retirement, career development and other benefits affecting the welfare of the LSU classified and professional/unclassified staff and their dependents; and considers all matters brought to its attention by the Staff Senators or the University administration.

2024-2025 Committee Membership

  • Henri Smith (Co-Chair)
  • Derek Wilson (Co-Chair)
  • Amber Bonner
  • Whiteny Butler
  • Ryan Campen
  • Mo Carney
  • Taylor Constance
  • Stephenie Franks
  • Jerri Jensen
  • Cassaundra Miller
  • Tammy Millican
  • Casey Muller
  • Anthony Oster
  • Jace Owens
  • Henri Smith
  • Bradley Waters

  • Administrative Process Improvement 
  • Asian & Asian American Pacific Islander Faculty & Staff Caucus
  • Athletic Council at LSU
  • Auxiliary Services Advisory
  • Black Faculty & Staff Caucus
  • Board of Supervisors
  • Campus Committee on Sustainability
  • Campus Communicators
  • Civil Service Commission
  • Council of Staff Advisors
  • Disability Faculty & Staff Caucus
  • Faculty Senate
  • IT Governance Council
  • LatinX Caucus
  • LGBTQ+ Caucus
  • LSU Foundation Outstanding Staff Service Awards Committee
  • Office of Group Benefits
  • Organizations Relief Fund
  • Pregnancy & Parenting
  • Student Government
  • Student Sustainability Fee Oversight Committee
  • Teacher's Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL)
  • University High Risk Travel
  • University Planning Council