A+ Essentials: Our Framework
The key to the success of the A+ philosophy is through the foundational pillars known as the 8 A+ Essentials. Originally crafted by educators, these Essentials serve as a blueprint for whole-school transformation, leveraging the arts to cultivate a creative culture tailored to each school's unique needs. As these eight components become ingrained in a school's ethos, they catalyze a shift in practices, priorities, and even identity, cultivating an atmosphere where both teachers and students thrive in collaborative learning endeavors. Read more about the origin behind the 8 Essentials and how they were created, below.
Created BY Teachers, FOR Teachers...
In 1995, an arts institute in North Carolina embarked on a groundbreaking initiative: bringing arts education to a group of schools for four years to gauge its impact. Initially advised to recruit 25 schools for a valid study, they ended up with 23 schools still committed at the end of the period, declaring that this wasn't merely a study, but a new way of schooling.
Researchers delved into what made the program successful, resulting in the identification of "The 8 A+ Essentials" – principles that became the cornerstone of the initiative, viewed as commitments rather than mere guidelines.
Interestingly, when asked who benefited from this approach, educators refused to categorize, asserting that it leveled the educational playing field for all learners, regardless of background or ability. Two decades later, this philosophy continues to prove its effectiveness.
...Essential to How We Do School
In A+ Schools the arts are:
- experienced daily through instruction, integration and exposure
- inclusive of drama, dance, music, visual arts, creative writing and media arts
- included in curriculum planning and design
- integrated in all content areas
- valued as essential to creativity, learning and personal experiences
- a part of the school’s internal and external identity
In A+ Schools
curriculum is addressed through:
- developing teacher skills in creating effective and engaging instruction
- ongoing curriculum exploration and planning
- intentional two-way integration of the arts and other disciplines
- horizontal and vertical alignment of standards
- enhanced conceptual connections
- collaborative development of integrated lessons and units
Multiple Learning Pathways
In A+ Schools
multiple learning pathways include:
- Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory and practice
- brain research and brain-based philosophies
- a focus on building 21st century and higher order thinking skills
- creating and balancing learning opportunities that support the whole child
- intentional opportunities for students, families, community to develop understanding of how people learn
Experiential Learning
In A+ Schools experiential learning:
- creates student engagement
- is grounded in arts-based and hands-on learning experiences
- provides integrated and authentic connections to real-life application
- models the creative process and inquiry-based instruction
- allows for understanding of entry points and differentiated instruction
- provides multifaceted assessment opportunities
Enriched Assessment
In A+ Schools enriched assessment is:
- a reflective practice that is designed for learning
- inclusive of arts and multiple learning pathways
- ongoing, integrated, experiential and collaborative
- used both as a self-assessment tool by teachers and students and to help meet school system requirements
- instrumental in creating a comprehensive picture of student understanding
In A+ Schools collaboration is:
- valued and intentional
- fostered by administration and faculty
- prioritized through designated time for classroom and special area teachers to plan together
- experienced throughout the day and in many ways
- utilized to build relationships within and outside the school community
In A+ Schools infrastructure is:
- supports the A+ philosophy
- fosters supportive and shared leadership
- addresses daily logistics to allow for collaboration
- provides time, space and resources to support implementation
- continually maintains a shared vision and develops faculty commitment
provides relevant professional development and mentoring - is reflected at all levels
In A+ Schools
climate is enhanced through:
- building collaborative skills that create an environment of respect and support
- developing a creative community that is fun and engaging for teachers and students
- focusing on lifelong learning for the entire school community
- working towards a common vision and shared decision making